Bereavement and Funeral Reception Ministry

Role: Supports those who have lost a loved one
Major Responsibilities:
Time Commitment: Receptions usually require the team to be at the parish hall at least one hour prior to the reception; to stay for the duration of the reception; and to clean up afterwards. It may also include speaking with a member of the family prior to the day of the reception to ensure that all is prepared for the reception. If help at home is needed the time required is up to the individual who volunteers to help.
Guidelines for Funeral Receptions
All volunteers 14 and older must take the child and youth protection training Virtus. To volunteer contact the parish office at 301-447-2367 or [email protected].
Major Responsibilities:
- Coordinate the funeral reception if the family wishes to hold a reception following the funeral
- Help at the home of the deceased or family of the deceased if requested
- Pray for the family and the deceased
Time Commitment: Receptions usually require the team to be at the parish hall at least one hour prior to the reception; to stay for the duration of the reception; and to clean up afterwards. It may also include speaking with a member of the family prior to the day of the reception to ensure that all is prepared for the reception. If help at home is needed the time required is up to the individual who volunteers to help.
Guidelines for Funeral Receptions
All volunteers 14 and older must take the child and youth protection training Virtus. To volunteer contact the parish office at 301-447-2367 or [email protected].